Breaking Down the Vague: Diversity Training That Works

Diversity training could lose its power if doesn’t stop, look and listen. Stop spitting out jargon, look at why diversity is essential to the bottom line and listen to people’s communication challenges.
– Chief Learning Officer, Solutions for Enterprise Productivity

redrawing cultural road maps

In order to reimagine diversity and inclusion and be effective in our efforts, we need to redraw our cultural road maps. Remember those things called road maps? Drivers used to consult them to plan out the best routes and map directions to particular locations. Cultural road maps help shape the routes we take and the directions we move in our cross cultural interactions. I recall on really long family trips as AAA members our family would take advantage of their membership feature called TripTiks. These handy maps would assure us that we would get the latest maps with up to date information on road closings and construction that we might have to contend with on the trip.  Many a family vacation started with a visit to a AAA office to get our detailed maps to route our family to our desired location. Does your cultural road map lead you to your desired location?

AAA no longer offers TripTiks, with the advent of dedicated GPS devices and GPS mapping apps on smartphones and tablets those days are now gone. In fact smart phone apps with their constantly updating mapping features, are quickly making dedicated GPS devices, which have to be manually updated, obsolete. One of the things I like about the latest generation of GPS mapping apps is it no longer tells me its rerouting. If I make a change in the previously prescribed route, it adapts and gives me a new route. How convienient and much less annoying! Can your cultural maps do that? Are you still using old cultural maps or dedicated GPS devices that may be out of date in your diversity and inclusion efforts? Is there an app for that?

In our increasing diversity social landscape our culutral maps are constantly in need of updates. Turns out GPS apps need updating as well. They are only as good as the information fed into them. Bad or insufficient information in bad or insufficeint information out. The tech world was a buzz when Apple launched its replacement for Google maps on iDevices. Until, that is, the app started sending people to airport runways looking for Airfield Road among several other directional miscues. During a trip to the Carribean I used Apple maps app to drive from one end of the island to the next. The maps for that island however had not been recently updated and I drove straight into a closed highway. Our cultural maps can be less than effective as well if they are not updated with accurate information as well. What if our cultural map or GPS is based on inaccurate or limited knowledge? We might end up somewhere other than our desired location.  Someplace that could be disastrous for our business or organization. What have you done to update your cultural maps?

Early cartographers originally drew maps of the world as flat. Early astronomers drew maps of the solar system with the earth at the center rather than the sun at the. When Columbus sailed for the new world he assumed he was sailing towards India,  as a result much of the islands in the Americas are called the West Indies and the native people Indians. These persepctives turned out to be very inaccurate. The maps of the world and our solar system needed to be redrawn based on the latest information. Sometimes our cultural perspective causes us to make less than effective decisions becuase we only have limited perspective or information. Is it time to redraw your cultural map or update your data about diversity with the latest research and information? 

There is a human tendency to see our cultural worldview at the center of the universe and that perspective often causes us to inaccurately see the world as flat. We human beings perceive the cultural lens through which we view the world as the “normal” view. This leads us to make certain assumptions in our interactions with others that like the assumptions above are inaccurate. In today’s global marketplace and diverse society we need to learn how to redraw and update our cultural maps. You and I cannot afford to assume that our cultural perspective is normative for everyone we encounter. If we want to be effective and successful in cross cultural interactions we must update our infomation about different cultures and redraw our cultural maps to reroute and adapt to a variety of cultural contexts. What “normative cultural assumptions might you be making in your business organization or institution?

Re-imagining diversity and inclusion and becoming culturally intelligent in our work, help to redraw our cultural road maps . I beleive that this can lead to outcomes where the culture (race, ethnicity, gender etc.) of our customers, constituents and clients is not a driving factor in our outcome. So are you reDI? reDI to redraw and update your cultural maps? Let us know, we want to help.

The Dartmouth: Professor discusses covert racism

The Dartmouth: Professor discusses covert racism.

Though racism is more covert today, blacks are subject to the same prejudice as they were in the 1960s, Duke University sociology professor Eduardo Bonilla-Silva argued in a lecture on Thursday. Bonilla-Silva said a new form of racism has emerged, replacing Jim Crow racism.

“We are not post-racial,” he said. “This ideology is suave but deadly.”

Bonilla-Silva is author of Racism without Racists which explores the ongoing inequities experienced by “racial minorities” in a ” post racial ” age. It is a must read on our resource list for any one who wants to understand the modern face of racialized behavior and the need to re-imagine diversity.